Two art exhibitions are planned to celebrate 100 years since Rudolf Steiner's visit to Torquay in August 1924.

The first event will take place between Monday, August 12, and Saturday, August 17, at Birdwood House in Totnes High Street from 10 am to 4:45 pm. It will be an exhibition of arts and crafts.

The curator, John Platt, an artist and former Steiner teacher, said he wants to "curate accessible work that is related to the inspirations of Rudolf Steiner."

The exhibition will include work from local artists, former teachers and pupils from Steiner Schools, therapists in art and music, as well as sculpture, glasswork, and painting.

From August 17 to August 18 at the Civic Hall from 10 am to 5 pm and 10 am to 4 pm on Sunday, there will be displays to showcase Rudolf Steiner's wide range of work, some of which are ground-breaking in their field.

This includes Philosophy, Meditation, Education, Agriculture (Biodynamics), Medicine, Special Education (The Camphill Movement), Economics, Religion, Arts and Drama, and Eurythmy - a form of movement, visible speech, and music.

Rudolf Steiner wrote over thirty books and gave over 6,000 lectures to audiences across Europe, including the one in Torquay in 1924.

In that year, he founded the Anthroposophical Society, which has branches all over the world much like Steiner Schools.

Curator John Platt added: "With these two events, we are hoping to show the full extent of this relatively unknown spiritual teacher’s work, who is still inspiring many to explore his insights in the 21st century."