The Chair of the Devon & Cornwall Police Federation, Nick Jones, responded to the disorder in Plymouth last night, which resulted in three police officers being injured.

Nick Jones stated: "Once again, our brave officers, deployed to protect the public and keep our streets safe, have been attacked by those who seek to turn peaceful protest into an excuse for violence, thuggery, and mindless criminal damage."

He continued, "Three of our officers were injured during these violent clashes, being hit by bottles, bricks, and anything protesters could use as missiles against the police. Many officers were exhausted, and despite rigorous public order training, some encountered real-time disorder on our streets for the first time."

Mr Jones added, "We were able to provide refreshments to over 120 officers, thanks to our welfare van. This proved to be a positive and well-received boost to morale for those who had been in direct conflict with members of the public for many hours."

He noted that the level of violence directed at officers, who were goaded and baited, is unprecedented in this area.

"The Federation is supporting our injured colleagues at this time and sending them our best wishes. I am confident that the rest of our colleagues and the vast majority of the public share these sentiments. Our officers should not have to go to work and face injury in this manner."