Aveton Gifford
Rosie Warrillow | 07779290653 or email rosemarywarrillow@btinternet.com
The road closure at Church Lane is now finished and with grateful thanks the congregation of St Andrews church returned to worship in the church building for the first time in a month last Sunday.
The services in the hall went very well but it was great to be back home in church. Rev Ollie Long led the Sunday Worship service and Irina played the organ. After the service, Neil made the refreshments and young Arthur handed round the biscuits, well done to him!!
Next week the church will have a Holy Communion service which will start at the usual time of 11am, all are welcome to come and join in. Good wishes are sent to Caroline following her operation, get well soon! We do have some incredibly sad news to share too. Kathleen Toon Poynton-Hurst who has been running our village shop for the last four years, has passed away.
Kathleen has been a very much valued member of our community in this time and the shop committee and the village community too, would like to extend condolences to Kathleen's husband and family. The shop will be closed for the foreseeable future as the committee considers the next steps. They will also provide updates as they arise A short reading: Please don't worry so much. Because in the end, none of us have very long on this Earth.
Life is fleeting and if you're ever distressed, cast your eyes to the summer sky, When the stars are strung out across the velvety night. And when a shooting star streaks through the blackness, turning night into day, make a wish and think of me. Make your life spectacular.
Turning to other news this week it's Valentine's Day on Friday and the Fishermans are getting all romantic with a special Valentine's Day menu. To be sure of your place, please phone the pub on 01548 550284.
There are two or three courses available including some really nice puddings, yummy!! Just to say that there really is good and bad in everyone. Last week John Foale's beautiful vintage tractor was broken into and the fire extinguisher was stolen, can you believe it? Without it, the beast could not be used for charity runs because of safety regulations of course!!
But this is the good bit, kind-hearted Tracy and James from the Parklands Campsite have donated a brand new one, how wonderful and thank you so much from everyone involved with the Air Ambulance Charity tractor runs. So far these runs have raised over £15,000 for the charity.
Andrew Kinder | ask.27@btinternet.com
Dear Reader, as you may remember I was just getting into full flow last week when I was cruelly cut off by our Esteemed Editor. Such is the life of a top journo! The big event that will have happened by the time this article goes to press is Adam Hunt’s talk on Thursday 13th entitled “A Rewilding Britain Garden and the RHS Chelsea Flower Show”. This is being hosted by the Kingston Gardeners and WAK (Wild About Kingston) but as I said last week it is completely sold out, and has been for some time.
This is not really surprising as Adam is a Best in Show and Chelsea Flower Show Gold Medal winner so he knows a thing or two about gardening. Although I haven’t got a seat, I will have a spy in the audience who will report back to me for next week’s column. Entry is free but I bet everyone will be generous with their donations, particularly as the proceeds will be split between the Devon Wildlife Trust and the Motor Neurone Disease Association. This promises to be a real horticultural treat.
Also looking enticing are the KLHS talks this Spring starting with “Health in Nelson’s Navy” which I mentioned last week, and followed by “Hornblower and the Wreck of the Dutton” on March 27th and “The Plymouth Blitz” on April 24th. Fantastic stuff, KLHS team! All of which leaves me just enough time to squeeze in a shout-out for Soup of the Day, a fund-raiser for the Kingsbridge Food Bank, being held on Friday 21st February in the Reading Room from 12 till 2pm. There is
no entry charge but voluntary cash donations and tins and dried food stuffs will be most welcome. Thank you. Please phone 810497 if you have any questions. Oh, and there’s a rumour that there will be apple crumble as well as soup and as this is on the publicity posters I think you can assume its appearance is a safe bet. Soup AND apple crumble?
Need I say more? See you next week for more from the front line of Kingston news.
Cornwood and Lutton
Kit Manning | kitmanning88@gmail.com
We are fortunate, here, to still have our School and two Pubs, the Mountain Inn and the Cornwood Inn - the latter saved by the Community when it was threatened with closure a few years back. Unfortunately, we no longer have a Shop in the Village and the PO - once part of the Shop and open five days a week - is now located in a room attached to our Village Hall and is currently only available for three short sessions a week, as part of an outreach service. For some local people the services which the PO is able to offer is a vital lifeline; with this in mind, the Chair of our Parish Council is now urging parishioners to make more use of the availability we do have, because it’s continuance depends on footfall (constantly under review) and there is the distinct possibility that even these limited hours may be cut further or lost entirely.
Last Saturday dawned grey and cold, but there was nothing grey or cold about the lunch served to the 37 WI members who gathered at St. Elizabeth’s House, Plympton St. Maurice for a post Christmas lunch. Four tables had been laid up in a room set aside for the ladies’ exclusive use and they very much enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere and friendly service. The pre-ordered, three course meal was nicely presented and well received - a glass or two of wine enhancing the experience for most, several of whom had been dropped off by considerate husbands!
At the end of the morning Service on Sunday, Rev Paul Hinckley congratulated Len and Anne Cooper (on behalf of the congregation) on the celebration of their 60th Wedding Anniversary. Their wedding actually took place in Cornwood Church and Anne had with her a photo of them in full wedding dress and a copy of the order of their Service, which people were interested to see. Organist, Mike Hodge, very quickly incorporated some of the music played on their wedding day into the Service, playing it as people walked up to take communion and as they were getting up to leave - a lovely tribute.
As I’ve mentioned many times before, in places like Cornwood and Lutton, the many clubs and organisations and the events which they are responsible for, rely very heavily on volunteers to remain viable. Our PCC is now looking for a person to take over the role of Treasurer - an important role - where some previous, relevant experience would be an obvious advantage.
For more information contact Rev Hinckley 01752 895227.
A quick reminder that the Snowdrop Mount at Delamore will be open this Saturday/Sunday (15th/16th) 10:30 - 3:30pm; adults £7:50/children free - proceeds for charity; all welcome.