Stoke Fleming

Lucy Willetts Telephone: 07815 143743

On Saturday June 29, the Dartmouth & District Friends Group for the Children’s Hospice South West (CHSW) will be celebrating the 20th anniversary of their art and craft event. ‘Dart Art Day’ will take place between 10am and 4pm in the Royal Avenue Gardens and promises to be another great occasion to celebrate and support this incredible charity. The aim is to raise as much money as possible to help make the most of the short and precious lives of children not likely to reach adulthood. Last year, the event raised over £3,300! 

As well as 22 artists and craft workers in their gazebos with arts and crafts galore, there will be musical entertainment, balloon sculptures, tombolas, plus plenty of refreshments, to include homemade cakes, cream teas and sandwiches provided by volunteers and supporters. 

Dart Art Day is an important fundraiser, helping the charity to provide essential specialist care and support for over 550 families with life-limited children in the South West. The Dartmouth & District Friends Group also meets monthly to organise events locally to raise money and awareness of this wonderful charity. If you would like more information or to offer help in any way, please contact Sue at [email protected] or on 07955 197721.

Stoke Fleming’s community composting site is now open on Wednesday evenings between 5.30pm and 6pm, in addition to Sunday mornings between 10am and 11.30am. For just £10 a year, you can take as much garden waste as you wish, but please note that certain items can’t be accepted so if in doubt, please check with the volunteers on site. There is also free compost available for members to use in their own gardens. If you haven’t yet renewed your membership or would like to join, please contact Kay on 01803 770276 or [email protected].

Aveton Gifford

Rosie Warrillow: 07779290653 or email [email protected]

Oh, dear!! We had an incident in the village last week that saw the car park barrier severely damaged. The Parish Council acted quickly to remove the overhead barrier, which had been knocked by a large vehicle. Did anyone see anything? If so please contact the Parish clerk on the village website.

The wildlife on the river is doing really well, with the swan families having several broods of cygnets. Just an opportune moment to urge people to keep our dogs on their leads around the wildlife and farm animals at this time of year. A reminder that it's quiz night at the Fishermans Rest tonight(Thursday). The quiz starts at 8pm, but the pub will be ready to receive people for it at 7.30pm, to get tables sorted etc.

The W.I. swap shop will take place on Saturday, June 29th at 10.30 in the village hall. There will be no charge for tables, but donations would be appreciated to help cover the lady's costs. You can bring anything that you don't need anymore and swap it for something that you might find more useful!. There will, of course, be refreshments available, tea cakes coffee and biscuits come on down, yummy! Our shop offers a range of services through the Post Office. It's a drop-off point for your parcels, you can get foreign currencies, pre-ordered only, and make bank deposits.

The shop also has a good stock of groceries to tempt us. What's not to like? Keep up the good work Katherine and staff, you do a brilliant job. There will be no service in St Andrews this week but there will be a team service at St Georges Modbury. starting at 10.30am, all are welcome to attend.


The Chillington Villiage Hall and Community Association will hold another History in the Hall presentation on Saturday, June 22 at 10 am

The CCA will also hold its Annual General Meeting from 9 am to 9.45 am before the History presentation. Please come and support us see what we do, and have your say.

The History in Chillington Hall presentation will begin at 10 am and run till noon and will be on 'The ultimate history of Frogmore'.

Entry is free. Teas, coffee and biscuits are available. Seats are on a first come first serve basis.


News from the Blackawton Beacon | [email protected]

Church fête: Advance warning from the Church Fête, which will be on Saturday 13th July. Plants are needed for the plant stall! Do you have any spare plants, perennials you have divided or seedlings you have grown? Please bring them along to Fig Tree Cottage on Saturday morning or telephone Jane Gimpel if you need them collected. Plants of all shapes, sizes, colours and varieties will be gratefully received.


News from Bigbury and Ringmore:

The next event at Bigbury Memorial Hall is something special - the Holly Ebony Band from Totnes play on July 12th at 7.30 p.m.. Raw as the Dartmoor landscape she hails from, Alt-Folk artist Holly Ebony leads a band of serene harmony and elemental drive, inhabiting the edges where music & environmental campaigning blur. Check out her music on Tickets are £10.