Painter and printmaker Michelle Griffiths will be delivering a live screen printing demonstration and artist talk at Velarde between 2pm and 4pm on Thursday August 8.

Michelle Griffiths is a member of the Printmakers Council and is Vice President of the Royal Society of Painter Printmakers.

She studied painting and printmaking at Brighton College of Art in the 1970s and exhibits widely in the UK and abroad.

She has shown at numerous international print biennales, including in Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Holland, Spain, USA, Canada and the UK. Her work is included in the public collections of the Victoria & Albert Museum London, Arts Council England and the Ashmolean Museum Oxford. 

Michelle’s work in currently part of the Colour Stories exhibition at Velarde until September 14.

It is an exhibition of works in bold and beautiful palettes, a curated collection of vivid artworks in paint, print, clay and stainless steel.

To confirm your place you are asked to email: [email protected]