PROFESSIONAL free-riding mountain biker, Grant ‘Chopper’ Fielder made a visit to Kingsbridge Community Primary School last week.

Almost 410 children from reception to Year 6 packed into the playground to watch some jumps and tricks.

The children then had an individual photo taken with Grant and took part in a sponsored fitness circuit with many different physical challenges.

Grant then gave a talk to the children, covering different types of cycling, his career, the equipment he uses and how to be safe on your bike. The aim was to inspire the children to lead healthier and more active lives.

The children were then treated to an exhilarating demonstration by Grant during which he executed the famous ’superman’ trick - removing both feet and extending them to resemble Superman in flight. Grant also performed a backward somersault, with Mr Teague standing underneath, between the ramps.

The visit was organised by Super Schools, a charity who help to fund young athletes’ training.

The children all took part in the fitness activities to raise sponsorship money, which was then split between the school and Super Schools.