South Hams Pop-Up Choir, which started as a melodic experiment six months ago, has just taken a major step into the big leagues by teaming up with Kings Cinema in Kingsbridge.
Pop-Up Choir leader Cat Nightingale says it is more of an event than a choir.
She says: “It’s a chance for the community to come together on a Saturday morning and bring with them the singing voice that doesn’t usually get heard beyond the shower cubicle. It’s amazing how in just 90 minutes, a group of strangers can learn a song they all know and love, in three or four-part harmony and make it sound so gorgeous!”
The monthly events were initially supported by Malborough Village Hall.
After discovering that the event was incredibly popular, Cat Nightingale decided to expand to new venues.
Pop-Up Choir was first welcomed by The Watermark in Ivybridge in February where the first song was California Dreamin’.
The set up of Pop-Up Choir in a cinema setting makes the experience much more atmospheric; the low lights and ranged seating give the event much more of a school disco vibe. Carrying on in that vein, Cat approached Kings Cinema in Kingsbridge to see if Pop-Up Choir would be welcomed there and got a very enthusiastic response.
They sing a wide range of songs. This month Pop-Up Choir will be singing “Shiny Happy People” by REM and Kate Pierson.
You can join in the singing at The Watermark in Ivybridge on Sat 20th April or at the debut event in Kings Cinema in Kingsbridge on Sat 27th April.
Singing starts at 10am. The lyrics are projected up on the screen, there’s a backing track to sing along to, and separate harmony parts to hear and learn.
The final rendition is videoed at around 11.30. It’s reputedly a lot of fun, is suitable for the whole family and all abilities.
If you want to pop along you can purchase tickets from The Watermark or the Kings Cinema website or just rock up on the day. Tickets are £10 for adults, £5 concessions.