Up to £500 available is available to support community wildlife initiatives from Devon Local Nature Partnership.

You can help support bees by planting native plants in all shapes and colours in your garden, these will help massively for bees who are searching for somewhere to rest and pollinate.

Almost 90 per cent of wild plants and 75 per cent of leading global crops depend on animal pollination.

Crops that depend on pollination are five times more valuable than thiose that do not.

One out of every three mouthfuls of our food depends on pollinators such as bees.

Crops that depend on pollination are five times more valuable than those that do not.

If your organisation or community group has a great idea to support local wildlife and increase biodiversity you can find out more and apply on the website here: https://buff.ly/3mD98yy

Find out more about our fascinating buzzing friends here: https://buff.ly/3eb4Chj