This bank holiday weekend marks the 75th anniversary of VE day, which celebrates the formal acceptance of unconditional surrender by Nazi Germany to the Allies.

When the long-anticipated news broke, it resulted in spontaneous celebrations, breaking out across the nation and a national holiday was declared in which people from all walks of life come together to mark the moment.

This year the impact of the coronavirus and lockdown has changed the way people can commemorate; however, there are still some simple things you can do in your community safely over this weekend, May 8-10.

Town and parish councils around the South Hams are asking people to decorate their homes and gardens in red, white and blue, and then join their neighbours singing ’we’ll meet again’ after the Queen’s address on Friday, May 8.

At 11 am on Friday, there will be a two-minute silence and from 11.15am there will be a VE-Day live stream, on the Royal British Legion’s website, featuring memories and stories of those who were there.

In Ivybridge, the Town Hall clock will chime the National Anthem at noon and then again at 3pm.

The website dedicated to VE and VJ day is also offering suggestions for a range of ways to celebrate with toolkits, recipe ideas, playlists and even educational information, to help with homeschooling.

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