Ivybridge Town Councillors have welcomed new Town Clerk Kate Elliott-Turner to the team.
Kate is an experienced Clerk and is looking forward to working in the Town. She says “I am looking forward to getting involved with the vibrant Ivybridge community and supporting the Town Councillors to deliver projects and improvements for the benefit of the entire town.”
Our outgoing Clerk of 3 years, Jonathan Parsons will be leaving the Clerking world for ventures new. Prior to taking the role of Town Clerk for Ivybridge, he worked for 8 years as Business Manager for the Council’s Watermark building, helping to make it the fantastic community asset it is today. Mayor, Councillor Alan Spencer said “Jonathan has been so instrumental these past 11 years in shaping the Watermark, and providing positive constructive input into the town council, it will be very sad to see him leave, but I am ever so excited to welcome Kate as our new Town Clerk, with a fresh set of eyes and extensive clerking experience, the future is bright for Ivybridge”.