Artificial Intelligence (AI) is helping craftworkers in the South Hams to promote themselves on social media, websites and online shopping sites., a business based in Malborough, has won over £28k to develop new AI so that craftworkers can better tell the stories behind their craft.

The technology will ‘look’ at pictures of their work, describe each piece of craft, and write about the skills, heritage and maker’s story behind them.

The South Hams has a vibrant arts and crafts base, with makers as diverse as blacksmiths, potters, knitters and rocking horse makers.

Craftworker numbers are growing at over 10 per cent a year according to the UK Craft Council, and craft is increasingly popular with shoppers who appreciate its uniqueness, ethical principles and heritage.

Craft supports tourism and brings value into the South Hams economy.

Innovate UK and DCMS awarded the funding as part of their support to grow the UK creative sector, and won the investment against fierce competition from across the UK.

Bill Mansfield, Managing Director and Co-Founder of Leonardo da Vinci Ltd, the company behind, said:

"Craftworkers struggle to find the time, and often the words, to talk about the amazing stories behind their art when they promote what they do online.

Often they just have pictures on their website or their social media, and the value in their work isn’t fully explained.

“Our innovative ‘Craftstory’ technology will use advanced AI ‘trained’ on the specific craftworker, understanding what they do and how they like to talk about their craft, alongside advanced image recognition AI.

All this tech will create stories for each piece about their skills, uniqueness and heritage.

“Devon, and the South Hams in particular, has a vibrant craft sector, witness the exciting Arts Trail event each year in October, and the frequent open studios throughout the year.

“We’re keen to work with local artists and makers and we’d love to hear from any who would like free access to our new technology in return for their feedback”

Artists and craftworkers interested in free access to ‘Craftstory’ AI are invited to contact Leonardo da Vinci Ltd on [email protected].