A local harmony chorus raises money for a youth mental health charity as a result of a “very busy” year.
The Kingsmen, a four part harmony chorus based in Kingsbridge, have been raising money throughout the year to support their Chairman’s Charity, which this year was chosen to be Young Minds.
Young Minds is the leading charity in the UK, championing the mental health and well being of young people.
Chairman Chris Birch said: “We are all aware of the high profile given to the needs of people deserving support for mental health issues and to choose a charity in this sector seemed an obvious choice to make.
“Being acutely aware that early intervention supporting young people is vital and a charity that supports parents, empowers children and young people, campaigns for change and supports professionals ticked the boxes for our chairman’s charity.”
The chorus has raised an overall sum of £1,150 for Young Minds from performances within the community throughout the past 12 months.
This has been achieved in and around a very busy year for the chorus that involved a 12 day tour to the USA in May and June, and all the extensive organisation that made it a huge success.
The Kingsmen said: “Apart from our love of singing and the camaraderie within the chorus, we enjoy performing in the community raising money and supporting many good causes.”
In order to maintain the chorus with healthy numbers and keep the status as a ‘community based chorus’, the Kingsmen are holding ‘learn to sing’ courses every two years.
The four part harmony chorus is also conducting a free five week ‘Learn to Sing in Harmony’ course for men, held at the former Evangelical Church in Fore Street, Kingsbridge.
The course starts on Wednesday, November 7 from 7.30-9pm and concludes on Wednesday, December 12 drawing the course to a close with a concert for all of the member’s families and friends.