Trustees of a community garden in Kingsbridge have issued an appeal for young volunteers to help maintain the local haven.
The Kingsbridge Community Garden (KCG) is located in a quiet spot in town, past a narrow alley off Fore Street.

Visitors can enjoy a relaxing lunch break or even ‘pick and pay’ in cash for a variety of vegetables and fruits that are grown in the garden.
The charity, which recently spent £2,000 to renovate the pond, is now looking for more ‘youthful’ volunteers to take on more manual tasks.
“Most of us are ‘creaking gates’, so ideally we’re looking for young people!” joked 76-year-old Barbara Dove, who is one of the garden’s trustees.
Explaining the charity’s requirements with colleague Pauline Fryer, 82, they said about five new volunteers were needed to take the pressure off the existing team.
The two stressed that they were not necessarily looking for gardeners but individuals with other skills, such as carpentry, who are willing to volunteer at weekends and work alone once they have been trained.
Interested parties can contact Pauline on 07845 909757. For more information visit