'Brotherhood Outing, Millbay Sands. July 25 1919. Men only. (Kingsbridge Cookworthy Museum)

Salcombe ship 'Lord Devon' moored alongside at Salcombe, below Custom House Quay. Low tide, note children in boat. (Kingsbridge Cookworthy Museum)

Approach to Lannacombe Bay'.
View seaward along lane in valley bottom. (Kingsbridge Cookworthy Museum)

'Buckland New Wesleyan Church. Memorial stone laying Whit Monday June 18 1908'. (Kingsbridge Cookworthy Museum)

Group at gate around 1900, Loddiswell.
Louisa Hambly in white dress, her mother Mrs Barons, Henry Hambly and possibly Mr Barons snr. Millstone against the wall behind group was still there up to 1946.
Stones at foot of wall to save damage from carts in and out of the mill. (Kingsbridge Cookworthy Museum)