A River Erme water quality workshop is being held.

It is aimed at everyone who wants to see the quality of water in the local river improve.

Last year there were reported concerns about the health of the Erme and its tributaries following reports of untreated sewage, anecdotal reports of decrease in biodiversity in Ayleston Brook, a tributary of the Erme and assessment by the Environment Agency of river health.

At the time the rating by the Environment Agency of overall water quality was Moderate/Poor but it failed on high levels of three chemicals found in samples: Phosphates, Mercury and Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs).This is an environmental and public health issue.

The meeting is being held at 7.30pm on Monday May 22 at The Watermark in Ivybridge.

You can register for tickets at Eventbrite by searching for ‘River Erme Water Quality Workshop’ or e-mailling jmw@flete.co.uk