KINGSBRIDGE Royal British Legion hosted a coffee morning and a free concert for the Queen’s 90th birthday last Saturday.

In the morning, people gathered in the Mill Club for a coffee morning and a cake sale. A raffle was also held in aid of the poppy appeal, with £251 being raised.

In the afternoon, a free concert was held in St Edmund King and Martyr, with the Totnes Town Band performing.

A spokesperson for the Royal British Legion said: ‘Thank you to Val King and her team of ladies for the wonderful cakes that were produced at the coffee morning at the Mill Club.

‘Thank you to the Reverend Jackie Taylor and her team of lovely ladies for producing such wonderful refreshments.

‘Thank you to Morrison and Tesco for donating to draw prizes, and to everyone else who contributed to the day.’

On Friday July 1, the Royal British Legion will be laying a wreath and holding a short service at the war memorial in Kingsbridge to commemorate one hundred years since the beginning of the Battle of the Somme.