SALCOMBE’S new royalty have been chosen for this summer’s regatta.
The royalty, voted in by fellow pupils at Salcombe Primary School, are Princess Tegan Flage, aged 10, Prince Leo Castle, aged 5 and attendants Felicity Bonner and Jak Powlesland-Heath, both aged 10.
Regatta week, which will be held between Saturday, July 30 and Saturday, August 6, will see the royalty taking centre stage in the town’s celebrations.
This will include leading the fancy dress parade through the town, where everyone is invited to come in their best costumes. There is no theme, and it is open to all ages.
Keep an eye out for the royalty, helping out with duties throughout the regatta. They will also be making an appearance at Kingsbridge Carnival.
For further information about Salcombe Regatta, find them on Facebook.
The full programme of events will be published in July.
Salcombe Regatta are also on the look-out for vice-presidents and volunteers. Those making a donation of at least £25 to the regatta, will be listed in the programme as a vice-president. The regatta are also looking for ‘hands-on’ volunteers to help in anyway they can.
If anyone is interested in volunteering, or becoming a vice-president, contact Debbie Hainey on 01548 844329, or email [email protected].