The Queen’s Jubilee celebrations began earlier today with Trooping the Colour and ending in an incredible show of aerial prowess by pilots from The RAF, Royal Navy, Army and the Red Arrows display team.
Here’s a list of whats happening in the area this special bank holiday weekend:
From Thursday, June 2 to Sunday, June 5, here’s what to expect:
On Thursday, June 2, at 2 pm Town Crier Roger Pinder will make a proclamation to the Queen joining thousands of others across the Commonwealth.
Red, white and blue illuminations of trees and flower beds on Kingsbridge Town Square will be lit to mark the Queens Platinum Jubilee.
The daily illuminations began on Tuesday and will start at 8 pm until midnight in the Town Square.
Friday, June 3: The Mill Club is hosting a BBQ and music from 4 pm onwards.
Friday will also be a day of reflection, and there will be various religious services taking place in the town to mark this historic occasion.
On Saturday, June 4 , Kingsbridge Town Council is hosting the Big Busk event - musicians will perform at four locations around the town throughout the day with 50 per cent of any money collected by buskers going to The Mayors Charity, Kingsbridge Foodbank.
Saturday, June 4 from 2 pm onwards: Age Concern will host a Jubilee Garden Party at Quay House.
Kingsbridge Mayor, Councillor Philip Cole will unveil The Community Mosaic at 3 pm at Kingsbridge Band Stand.
There will be live music by local musicians, childrens face painting and balloon bending and much more. Jubilee Quiz. Cream teas, strawberries and cream, and celebratory bubbles are available to buy.
Saturday, June 4: The Mill Club will host a coffee morning which will run from 11 am till 1 pm
From Saturday, June 4 to Sunday, June 5 from 1.30pm till 5 pm, Kingsbridge Town Platinum Jubilee Open Gardens will take place.
This is a two-day event organised by Kingsbridge Community Garden and St Luke’s Hospice.
Over 20 gardens will be open covering a wide range of styles and sizes. (Maps are available from Kingsbridge Information Centre or the Community Garden on Fore Street).
Saturday, June 4 and Sunday, June 5 from 10 am – 4 pm
Lantern workshops at Cooksworthy Museum, arranged by Kingsbridge Crafters.
Make a lantern for the Fair Week Lantern Parade.

Modbury will be celebrating with a picnic on the Green at Long Park on Saturday June 4 from 3 pm onwards.
Please bring along your own celebratory goodies and seating.
Ivybridge will be jam-packed with events for the Platinum Jubilee weekend - there’s a community street party at the rugby club on June 2 which culminates in a huge celebration on June 4 on Fore Street and Glanvilles Mill.
A full list of events can be found here:

Being a town close to The Queen’s heart Dartmouth and Kingswear are jam-packed to the brim with events:
10.15 am: Start the long Jubilee weekend with a group walk of the Diamond Jubilee Way, led by the Dartmouth Walk & Talk group. Starting at the Tea Rooms at Dartmouth Castle, this challenging walk pauses for lunch on Jawbones Hill, so bring a picnic.
10 am - 4 pm: Jubilee Arts Fair in the Flavel.
1 pm -1.15 pm: Local uniformed groups gather at Beth’s on Coronation Park in advance of the procession along the Embankment.
1.30 pm: Procession to set off (along the embankment, around the boat float and in through the arches of Royal Avenue Gardens) for the opening ceremony.
2 pm: Platinum Jubilee Opening Ceremony. From the Bandstand in Royal Avenue Gardens, a reading of the National Proclamation by Dartmouth Town Crier, Les Ellis, accompanied by Peter the Piper playing Diu Regnare as a tribute to HM The Queen. With street party seating, a local charity will sell refreshments from the tea hut.
3 pm: Dartmouth Caring & the Rotary Club to host Afternoon Tea for invited guests in Market Square.
3.30 pm: Official ribbon cutting and plaque unveiling of new Trees at Dartmouth Orchard, by the Captain of BRNC and hosted by Friends of the Orchard. Planted as Dartmouth’s contribution to the Queen’s Green Canopy.
7 pm - 9 pm: Silent Disco in the Guildhall – tickets are free and will be available from the Dartmouth Youth Group, more info will be posted here
Leaving BRNC, a Torchlit Procession will proceed around the town, returning to the former putting green on Coronation Park for the lighting of the Jubilee Beacon at 9.45 pm, part of the national lighting of beacons. Refreshments are available in Coronation Park.
After dark: Floodlighting of BRNC to celebrate where the Queen first met her Prince in 1939.
2.30 pm: Platinum Jubilee Proclamation A reading of the National Proclamation by Dartmouth Town Crier, Les Ellis, on Kingswear Village Hall main steps.
9pm Beacon Lighting Ceremony at Fountain Violet Farm. A Piper will play Diu Regnare as a tribute to HM The Queen at 9.35pm, followed by the lighting of the Jubilee Beacon at 9.45 pm. Refreshments are available.
All-day: Jubilee Market in the Market Square.
10 am - 4 pm: Jubilee Arts Fair in the Flavel.
Afternoon: Music and entertainment in Royal Avenue Gardens, put on by the community for the community, and a local charity selling refreshments from the tea hut.
6 pm - 8 pm: Cruise on Paddle Steamer ‘Kingswear Castle’ with pickup from Dartmouth Town Jetty at 6 pm. Tickets £20*. Music from Missin’ Tackle, a bar on board but guests are invited to bring their own food. Proceeds to the Jubilee Bell Fund, St. Thomas of Canterbury Church, Kingswear.
After dark: Floodlighting of BRNC.
KINGSWEAR – FRIDAY JUNE 3: St Paul’s Cathedral Service of Thanksgiving. Live stream event at Kingswear Village Hall, with Cream Tea and Prosecco, served. Free of charge but booking required*.
5.45 pm - 7.45 pm: Cruise on Paddle Steamer ‘Kingswear Castle’ with pickup from Kingswear at 5.45 pm. Music from Missin’ Tackle, a bar on board but guests are invited to bring their own food. Tickets £20*.
Proceeds to the Jubilee Bell Fund, St Thomas of Canterbury Church, Kingswear.
All-day: Jubilee Market in the Market Square, followed by an Asian Fusion food event with music from 7 pm.
Tickets can be purchased from Jenny Koo’s Kitchen in the Market –
Afternoon: Music and entertainment in Royal Avenue Gardens, put on by the community for the community, with a local charity selling refreshments from the tea hut.
7 pm: BRNC Event with live bands, bar, BBQ and fireworks. Tickets* £10 adults, £5 under 16s (accompanied only).
Tickets can be purchased from the Guildhall offices Monday to Friday 9 am – 2 pm
Note: Priority to Dartmouth & Kingswear residents (proof of address required), no parking at BRNC (blue badge only) and no large bags permitted.
After dark: Floodlighting of BRNC.
3 pm – 5 pm: ‘Queen’s Tea Party’ at Kingswear Village Hall for senior citizens of Kingswear Parish. Afternoon Tea, old-time music and sing-a-long. Free of charge but booking required*.
7 pm: BRNC Event with live bands, bar, BBQ and fireworks. Tickets* £10 adults, £5 under 16s (accompanied only). Note: Priority to Dartmouth & Kingswear residents (proof of address required), no parking at BRNC (blue badge only) and no large bags permitted.
All-day: The Big Jubilee Picnic on Coronation Park, a free family day out with music, including children’s entertainers Elfic and Professor Bumble, Dartington Morris Men, Walking Rugby and Bouncy Play (chargeable).
Refreshments are available, including a Barbeque.
11.00 am: St Saviour’s Church to lead a celebratory choir service in St Saviour’s Church.
Afternoon: Music and entertainment in Royal Avenue Gardens, put on by the community for the community, with a local charity selling refreshments from the tea hut.
After dark: Floodlighting of BRNC.
10.30 am Jubilee Church Service at the St Thomas of Canterbury Church, followed by refreshments.
Noon till 4.00 pm: The Big Jubilee Picnic on Jubilee Park. A family day out with children’s entertainers Elfic and Professor Bumble, Dartington Morris Men, and Brixham Town Band. To include a fancy dress and cake competition and a dog show. Bring your picnic a full list of events and tickets to events can be found here:
Events happening across Totnes start with the lighting of the Beacon on Kingsbridge Hill on June 2. South Devon Railway is holding a garden party from June 2 to 5, including a beer festival. St John’s Church is holding a cream tea and an art and craft exhibition on June 3.
The Parish Council is planning four days of entertaining events culminating in an open-air theatrical performance and barbecue on the afternoon of Sunday, June 5.
Starting on Thursday June 2 the village will be dressed in bunting and flags.
Entires for the best dressed Jubilee shop window competition will be judged together with contenders for the best-decorated garden.
On Friday there will be an evening of entertainment in the Village Hall, with a showing of “A Queen is Crowned” and a fashion show of costumes covering the Queen’s lifetime, courtesy of South Brent Amateur Dramatic Society the event starts at 7 pm.

Saturday June 4, sees the village invited to a street party at lunchtime, followed by fun and games for children and adults at Palstone Park Recreation field in the afternoon.
The street party starts at noon in Church Street, which will be closed for the event, on a bring and share basis for food, with teas, coffees and soft drinks provided free of charge. It runs until 2 pm when the focus switches to Palstone Park. Starting at 3 pm there’ll be an afternoon of sports, games and arts events for children, with a bouncy castle for the younger ones. These will include three-legged races, tug-of-war, cricket skills and outdoor cooking.
In the Pavilion children will be able to take part in a range of arts and crafts activities.
The final day of celebration is on Sunday 5, with a Civic Service of Thanksgiving for the Queen’s 70 years of duty, at St.Petroc’s Parish Church at 9.30 am. Then in the afternoon the professional theatre group Common Players will be presenting “Alice”, their take on the Alice in Wonderland story, at 3 pm in Palstone Park.
The day comes to an end with a barbecue, for which charges apply, at Palstone Park, with music and a pay bar, finishing at 9 pm.
South Hams District Council have also compiled a list of events across the South Hams which you can find here if you area is not mentioned: Queen’s Jubilee
You can also find Jubilee events here: Queens Platinum Jubilee - Events in the South Hams