Gable Dogs and Cats Home has launched a 'Pounds for poorly Pip appeal' after rescuing a tiny 'Frenchie' puppy who was found abandoned in the freezing cold.
Deputy Manager Ruth Rickard said: "As soon as she arrived it was apparent that little Pip needed urgent veterinary treatment, so she was rushed to Gable's vets – Filham Park as she was skinny, shaking, struggling to breathe and had a swollen abdomen. She had a high temperature and was admitted as an emergency for an X-ray, ultrasound scan and antibiotics."
Pip was really struggling, so Gables were prepared that she might not make it. Thankfully, after five days of intensive veterinary care, Pip started to improve.
The vet discovered that poor Pip was suffering from a chronic lungworm infection that had caused scarring to her lungs. She was also suffering from Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome (BOAS), a breathing disorder that affects dogs with flat faces, and desperately needed specialist surgery, when she was fit enough, to enable her to breathe normally.

Poor Pip has also developed a condition called "Cherry eye" which is a common term for prolapse (or popping out) of the third eyelid gland, which will also need specialist surgery to fix.
Deputy Manager Ruth Rickard said “It is so sad to see these poor flat-faced breeds suffering at the hands of humans selectively breeding for a shorter squashed face. Although these breeds may look cute - the anatomy of their nose, airway and throat can pose significant problems with breathing, especially during activity or warm weather. Thankfully little Pip is now receiving the very best care and is currently enjoying being spoilt rotten in a foster home with a member of staff. We hope our wonderful supporters can help us to raise funds to cover the care and veterinary treatment she has already received and the BOAS surgery she will need very soon”.
It is estimated that Gables will cost £4,000 for all the treatment and medication that Pip will need now and into the future, as well as basic care such as neutering, flea and worm treatment, and vaccinations.
Gables Dogs & Cats Home does not receive any government funding and has felt the financial strain from ever-increasing costs, but they are determined to help Pip thrive.
If you can make a contribution to their ‘Pounds for poorly Pip appeal’, you can do this by:
- Telephone - Please call 01752 331602
- Online - via Justgiving -
Online - via Paypal –
Online - via our website -
- By post – please make cheques payable to Gables Dogs & Cats Home (204 Merafield Rd, Plymouth, PL7 1UQ)
- By text:
· To donate £1, text GABPIP to 70201
· To donate £3, text GABPIP to 70331
· To donate £5, text GABPIP to 70970
· To donate £10, text GABPIP to 70191
Texts are charged at the standard network rate.
If Gables can raise more money than is needed for this appeal the extra will go into general funds to help all the animals in their care.