The idea for Recollections/Reflections on the River Erme came out of conversations between artist and researcher Dr Laura Denning and Cllr Ann Turner at Modbury Parish Council.

Laura said: “I wanted to contribute to the work being done around the River Erme, but not monitor water quality.

“I believe monitoring is vital, but I have other skills to offer.

“ As an artist whose work focuses upon water an audio project seemed logical.”

Since the project began on November 23 last year it has been slowly developing, and a “roadshow” throughout the month of March aims to hear from people in every catchment along the river.

The dates and venues are:

March 7 Kingston Reading Rooms 2pm to 3.30pm

March 14 Harford (tearoom at Lukesland Garden) 2pm to 3.30pm

March 16 Modbury Parish Council Offices 11am-midday

March 16 Ermington Reading Rooms 2pm-3.30pm

March 21 Ivybridge venue tbc

March 23 Modbury Parish Council Offices 11am-midday

March 23 Holbeton Village Hall 2pm-3.30pm

Should people be unable to make these times/dates Laura can also arrange to interview them in their homes.

You can email Laura at or text her on 07773238314.

Laura added: “I will then spend April creating a soundscape from these conversations, intermingled with recordings of the Erme, which will hopefully tour the villages and communities involved and form part of the River Discovery Zone at the Devon County Show.

“We are currently hoping to source a second hand horsebox so that we can repurpose it into a listening/recording booth for use at the County Show, and for future touring events that focus on the health of our rivers.

“In the longer term it is hoped that this project will grow and combine voices from many communities within the catchments of the South Devon Rivers.

“Should any readers wish to donate a horsebox that would be amazing!”