We are excited to introduce a new weekly feature: Your Voice, where we explore handpicked topics and seek your opinions. Each week, we’ll talk with residents, capturing your insights, thoughts, and stories. The series aims to amplify your voice within our community, offering a platform for diverse perspectives and fostering meaningful, sometimes fun, dialogue. Join us as we explore the issues and ideas that shape our shared experience, one conversation at a time.
This week’s conversation topic is: "How do you feel the government is doing so far?"

Dennis Holwill said: "It's early days. I think they had to make some changes. Regarding the winter fuel allowance, I think some pensioners are so well off that they don't need it. But perhaps those just over the pension credit limit may suffer the most. It's difficult. Politicians often criticize the other party without saying much about what they'll do. They talk more about what the other party should have done. It's going to be hard. I'm on a fixed contract for my electricity, but it's due to expire next month, so I'm expecting a big price increase. It's not easy being a pensioner."

Nikki Philips said: "I think they're doing quite well, actually. They've inherited a really difficult situation, but I believe they have the right ideas. They're focusing on climate issues, and they're trying to sort out the economy. It will be tough, but I think they have good ideas to work on."

Dee White said: "I don't think they're very kind to old people. I feel like they're taking more money away from us, especially with the winter fuel allowance. I think we need to give them time, but I'm not sure. The jury's still out. I wasn't keen on the Conservatives either, to be honest, so I don't think either party is particularly good."

Victor Day said: "Well, the £200 off utility bills is something, but I don't see where the investment is coming from. I've always voted Conservative, but this year, I voted Liberal. We've been through two world wars, and they don't seem to mention that much anymore. That's how I feel."

Graham Lynn said: "Well, I was never a Labour man. It's early days, isn't it? I never liked Labour, so what more can I say? I suppose they haven’t had the chance to implement many of their plans yet, but I expect there will be some hefty discussions ahead. That’s about all I can say for now, but I reckon there’ll be a bit of fun and games."

Keith Catlow said: "Well, I'm a Conservative, but I think they've been heavy-handed, especially with getting rid of the fuel allowance for old folks. I’m not bothered for myself, but I think it's shocking how they've done it. They could have phased it out or done it differently. They've got too much power, unfortunately."