WITH two hard courts available, a larger-than-expected entry and a cold easterly wind blowing, matches needed to be short and snappy in the Valentine tournament at Thurlestone Tennis Club.

There was a round robin of six pairs with each match just four games with one point at deuce, as well as a dress theme of ‘red’. The waiting pairs kept out of the wind sheltering in the shed alongside Janet the organiser.

The totals were quite close, but in third place was David Horne and Julie Hanham with 10 games, second place was Tony Adams & Linda Willmott with 12 games and winners were Roger Tweedale and Jessie Doyle with 15 games.

At the presentation in the warmth of the back bar, Kit Marshall provided the refreshments as his birthday treat and Janet congratulated all players in giving such good performances in quite difficult conditions.

Pictured, from left to right, are David & Julie, Roger & Jessie and Linda & Tony.